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Metaphysics and Logic


Philosophy has been called the science of the possible by philosophers as diverse as Christian Wolff and Bertrand Russell. The modal concepts of possibility and necessity, however, have proved to be ambiguous and recalcitrant to analysis, and their relation to the concept of reality have remained problematic up to the present day. Transcending the worn-out dichotomy between analytic and continental philosophy, this collection of papers takes a fresh look at the metaphysics and logic of possibility and reality, and illuminates them from a great variety of perspectives. Topics include the history of philosophy (from Greek antiquity to David Lewis) as well as the semantics of possible worlds; logic, mathematics and computer science as well as literature and the new media; forms of scientific as well as fictional discourse.


299 S. HC


Ontos Verlag

Hans Rott and Vitezslav Horak, Possibility and Reality

Artikelnummer: 9783937202242
CHF 58.00 Standardpreis
CHF 29.00Sale-Preis
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