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The texts of the book are concerned with G. Bergmann's open and new problems and their active role on issues in contemporary metaphysics, like the ontology of ties, connexions and relations, problems of exemplification, substrates and tropes theories, particulars, persistence and the metaphysics of space, time and existence. Papers deal with these themes by themselves, or discuss them in an associated way: some of them aim to clarify the complicated conceptual Relations Bergmann have enlarged with major themes of philosophers like Aristotle, Brentano, Meinong and Sellars. The purpose of the book is to provide some light on his central interests, but also in regard of the evolution of the actual scope of his thought.


About the Editors


Bruno Langlet is preparing a Ph. D on Ontology and Psychology in the work of Alexius Meinong. He is also teaching philosophy at University of Provence (Aix-Marseille I) and IBS of Provence, and he’s co-translating David Armstrong in French for Ithaque Editions.


Jean-Maurice Monnoyer is Ph.D. in the Department of Philosophy (Aix-Marseille I), and in the SEMa (séminaire de métaphysique d’Aix en Provence). He was first the editor of Descartes, Frege, La Structure du monde : objets, propriétés, états de choses (Vrin, paris, 2004), Metaphysics and Truthmakers (Ontos verlag, 2007). Advisory editor of Science et métaphysique (Paris).


ISBN: 978-3-86838-035-4
235 pp

Ontos Verlag

Langlet Bruno and Jean-Maurice Monnoyer, Gustav Bergmann

Artikelnummer: 978-3-86838-035-4
CHF 151.60 Standardpreis
CHF 45.00Sale-Preis
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