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Essays in Honor of Jason W. Brown (Process Thought)

This volume celebrates the life achievements of Jason W. Brown, who, along with Jean Piaget, Heinz Werner, Alexander Luria and the Würzburg school, has significantly contributed to the development of a process-based theory of brain/mind capable of challenging the currently fashionable modularist or cybernetic approaches to understanding human thought and feeling. As a paradigm, Brown's microgenetic theory is thus applicable in both brain science (where Brown was inspired by the pioneering work of Schilder and Pick) and the philosophy of mind (where the influence of Bergson, Whitehead, Cassirer, and Merleau-Ponty can be seen). Essays with a range of focus as wide as Brown's expertise have been collected in such diverse areas as neuropsychology (microstructure of action, symptomatology, neuro-rehabilitation, neurolinguistics, locationism), theoretical psychology (consciousness, hypnosis, morphogenesis, personality development, psychoanalysis, Buddhist psychology, mysticism), and philosophy of mind (evolutionary epistemology, emergence/novelty/creativity, subjectivity, will and action, Whiteheadian process philosophy).


Michel Weber obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Université de Louvain (Belgium). He is the director of the Centre for philosophical practice "Chromatiques whiteheadiennes" (Brussels). In 2008-2009, he is visiting Professor at the New Bulgarian University (Sofia), Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology & Department of Philosophy and Sociology. He has published four monographs: La dialectique de l'intuition chez A. N. Whitehead (2005), Whitehead's Pancreativism (2006), L'épreuve de la philosophie (2008) and Eduquer (à) l'anarchie (2008). Maria Pachalska - Full Professor of Neuropsychology, Gdansk University; Clinical Consultant, Center for Cognition and Communication, New York. Author of numerous international publications. A leading advocate of microgenetic theory in neuropsychology. Editor-in-Chief of Acta Neuropsychologica, member of the Editorial Board of Aphasiology and Medical Science Monitor (both listed in Current Contents).


443 S. HC

Essays in Honor of Jason W. Brown (Process Thought)

This volume celebrates the life achievements of Jason W. Brown, who, along with Jean Piaget, Heinz Werner, Alexander Luria and the Würzburg school, has significantly contributed to the development of a process-based theory of brain/mind capable of challenging the currently fashionable modularist or cybernetic approaches to understanding human thought and feeling. As a paradigm, Brown's microgenetic theory is thus applicable in both brain science (where Brown was inspired by the pioneering work of Schilder and Pick) and the philosophy of mind (where the influence of Bergson, Whitehead, Cassirer, and Merleau-Ponty can be seen). Essays with a range of focus as wide as Brown's expertise have been collected in such diverse areas as neuropsychology (microstructure of action, symptomatology, neuro-rehabilitation, neurolinguistics, locationism), theoretical psychology (consciousness, hypnosis, morphogenesis, personality development, psychoanalysis, Buddhist psychology, mysticism), and philosophy of mind (evolutionary epistemology, emergence/novelty/creativity, subjectivity, will and action, Whiteheadian process philosophy).


Michel Weber obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Université de Louvain (Belgium). He is the director of the Centre for philosophical practice "Chromatiques whiteheadiennes" (Brussels). In 2008-2009, he is visiting Professor at the New Bulgarian University (Sofia), Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology & Department of Philosophy and Sociology. He has published four monographs: La dialectique de l'intuition chez A. N. Whitehead (2005), Whitehead's Pancreativism (2006), L'épreuve de la philosophie (2008) and Eduquer (à) l'anarchie (2008). Maria Pachalska - Full Professor of Neuropsychology, Gdansk University; Clinical Consultant, Center for Cognition and Communication, New York. Author of numerous international publications. A leading advocate of microgenetic theory in neuropsychology. Editor-in-Chief of Acta Neuropsychologica, member of the Editorial Board of Aphasiology and Medical Science Monitor (both listed in Current Contents).


443 S. HC


Ontos Verlag

Pachalska Maria/Michel Weber, Neuropsychology and Philosophy of Mind in Process

Artikelnummer: 9783868380101
CHF 45.00Preis
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